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配方类型: FOODS
配方说明: Caramel Candy Apple Coating
配方组成: Butter/1.75
Water for sugar/1
Corn Syrup, 43D/2
Vanillin/as desired.
Sugar Granulated/4
Sugar Granulated
Water for sugar
Corn Syrup, 43D
Evaporated Milk/1
Evaporated Milk/4
配制方法: 1. Place sugar, water, and corn syrup in a small copper pan and cook to 300F.
2. At 300F add evaporated milk and butter and bring temperature back to 300F.
3. Remove kettle from fire.
4. place sticks on apples, which have previously been washed, and dip into batch while hot until well covered.
5. Then, hold covered apple over the kettle until excess candy is drained off.
6. Place coated apples on cooking slab and chill.

@2009-2024 洛克化工网 浙ICP备16009103号