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配方类型: FOODS
配方说明: Soft Short Nougat
配方组成: Water/1.5 kg
Beat to a stiff foam. Use high speed.
Mix add and mix in
Shredded Coconut/1.0 kg
Icing sugar/2.5 kg
Sugar/7.0 kg
"Hyfoama" DS/75.0 g
Powder/1.0 kg
Water/2.5 kg
Icing sugar/500.0 g
Gelatine powder (130 Bloom)/150.0 g
Glucose (38 D.E.)/10.0 kg
配制方法: Add and mix in. Do not overmix.
Spread the batch and cut after cooling.

@2009-2024 洛克化工网 浙ICP备16009103号