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配方类型: FOODS
配方说明: "Meat" Patties
配方组成: ground Chuck: lean/60
Ground Beef Kidney Suet or fat trim/10
"TVP": Seasoned Chunks or Minced/10
配制方法: 1. Hydrate the "TVP" chunks or minced.
2. The hydrated "TVP" chunks are then placed in a high-speed cutter (Coolkutter or Buffalo Mark 5 type) and run for 3 to 4 revolutions of the bowl at a high speed for approximately 15 seconds. This tends to shear the hydrated "TVP" for optimum utilization of the fibrous texture and to prepare it for step 3. If minced "TVP" is used, this high-speed cutting is not necessary.
3. Add up to 10% suet or fat (or up to 15% high-fat steer trim) to the "TVP" in the cutter and run at same high speed for 3 or 4 additional revolutions of the bowl (15 seconds). This assures adequate preblending of the fat with hydrated "TVP".
4. Add lean meat to the other ingredients and run at a lower speed for approximately 20 seconds or until desired consistency is achieved. The total product is then transferred to the grinder and to the pattie machine in the usual manner. Some experimentation with the times and speeds mentioned above may be necessary where the cutter is operated wit

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