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配方说明: Bran Cracker
配方组成: Yellow Food Color/3 oz
Granulated Sugar/25 lb
High Food Corn Syrup/12 lb
Refined Corn Bran/40 lb
Molasses/6 lb
Brown Sugar/15 lb
Sodium Bicarbonate/3 lb
Honey (top grade)/11 lb
Ammonium Bicarbonate/1 lb 8 oz
Water/40 lb
Salt/3 lb
Shortening/25 lb
White Flour (8.5% protein)/160 lb
Sodium Sulfite USP/2 oz
配制方法: Mix shortening, yellow food color, honey, and molasses in a horizontal mixer until completely smooth. While these ingredients are mixing, combine and mix granulated sugar, brown sugar, fructose syrup, salt and water in a steam kettle at 180 F. When thoroughly mixed and heated, add to ingredients above in horizontal mixer. Dissolve ammonium bicarbonate in 4 lb water and add to horizontal mixer, then add flour, corn bran, and sifted sodium bicarbonate. Mix for 10 min. Dissolve sodium sulfite in 4 lb water and add to mix. Continue mixing until dough is smooth and elastic. Final dough temperature should be 120-125 F.
Note: Roll or laminate dough to develop gluten as with saltines or graham crackers. Bake time is 6 min in a 200 ft band oven. Moisture content should be 3-3.5% and pH 7.6-7.8.

@2009-2024 洛克化工网 浙ICP备16009103号