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配方类型: INKS
配方说明: Gravure Ink, Fluorescent
配方组成: Ammonium hydroxide (28% sol.)/q.s. pH 8.40
Part A/93.60
Hycar 2570x5 Latex (2.0 dry wt.)/4.80
Blue Color Slurry/1.60
"Cycopal" 341-17 (50% in VM&P Naphtha)/50.0
Ammonium lauryl sulfate (25% sol.)/0.28
"Carbopol" 940 resin/0.50
"Varsol" #2/40.00
配制方法: Part A: Wet out "Carbopol" 940 in small amount of "Varsol".
Separately, add the ammonium lauryl sulfate to the water while agitating with Lightnin mixer or equivalent. While stirring the soap-water mixture slowly add the "Carbopol"-"Varsol" slurry. Slowly add balance of "Varsol" and stir until homogeneous. Add ammonium hydroxide slowly to pH 8.4. Part B: Add latex and pigment to Part A while agitating.

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