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配方说明: Buffing & Polishing Media (Color Compound for Stainless Steel,
Brass, Nickle and Aluminum)
配方组成: Hydrated Alumina AC-400/18.0 TO 23.0 Loading Levels %
Green Oxide/4.0 TO 8.0 Loading Levels %
Stearic Acid (B Flake)/24.0 TO 26.0 (188F melting point) Loading Levels %
TRIPOLI C-15/38.0 TO 43.0 Loading Levels %
Slabbed Wax/8.0 TO 12.0 Loading Levels %
配制方法: Mix Stearic Acid and Slabbed Wax in mixer. Let materials melt to a complete liquid. Start mixer and add the Green Oxide. Let mix until you get a good uniform color throughout the mix. Add the Tripoli C-15. Blend in the Hydrated Alumina AC-400. Mix until compound is smooth. Decrease temperature as much as possible before pulling mixture into molds.
Compound must be allowed to cool before taking out of the molds.

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