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配方说明: Buffing & Polishing Media (Color Liquid Formulation)
配方组成: TRITON X-100/0.13 TO 0.50 Loading Levels %
TRIPOLI R-15/40.0 TO 50.0 Loading Levels %
Stearic Acid (B Flake)/5.0 TO 7.0 Loading Levels %
Water/40.0 TO 65.0 Loading Levels %
Triethanolamine-85%/0.75 TO 1.50 Loading Levels %
Pale Oil/0.25 TO 0.50 Loading Levels %
配制方法: Mix Stearic Acid and Pale Oil in mixer. Add 100 gallons of hot water. Heat to 160F. Start mixer and begin adding half of the Tripoli R-15. Blend in the Triton X-100 and the balance of the hot water (approximately 60% of total water). Add the remaining balance of Tripoli R-15. If temperature is at 160F and mixture is smooth, mix the Triethanolamine while turning the heat off the mixer. Add a little hot water to help the Triethanolamine mix well. Add the balance of (cold) water to the mixture. Cool mix to 130F. Pull mixture into drums and let cool.
NOTE: Add 5% Dowacide in hot weather to keep down bacteria.

@2009-2024 洛克化工网 浙ICP备16009103号