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配方说明: Aluminum Stearate Gels
配方组成: Mineral oil to 100%
Aluminum stearate 5%
Aluminum stearate 3%
Polyethylene glycol 300 distearate 3%
Mineral oil to 100%
配制方法: Mix the stearate with a portion of the oil and mill until all the lumps are removed. The remainder of the oil is then added and heating is started while the bulk is continually stirred. Gelation becomes apparent at about 80C, but heating is continued to 130 to 150C to ensure that all the stearate has dissolved and that the air trapped in the gel has been expelled.
The rate of cooling of aluminum soap gels is one of the most important factors leading to a stable and elegant preparation. If cooled too quickly, they become hard and waxy and the oil inevitably "bleeds" out on standing. If cooled too slowly, a very soft, almost liquid product is produced. Experience has shown that for most formulations the optimum rate of cooling lies between 5 to 10C/hr until a temperature of 60c or lower is reached. On the laboratory scale a well-insulated beaker containing 300 g of gel has been found to cool at about this rate. With a large batch of material, for example the pilot scale or above, artifical cooling will

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