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配方说明: Glossy Detergent-Resistant Floor Polish
配方组成: "DW"-855 (15%)/70.0
Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether/2.0
"AC"-680 (15%)/10.0
Ethylene glycol/1.0
"Shanco" 6000 Resin (15%)/20.0
Blend the "Shanco" 6000 Resin solution into the polymer emulsion,
then add the "AC"-680 emulsion. Premix the plasticizers and surfactant
and blend into the previous mixture. Agitate for thirty minutes, then
adjust the final pH to 8.5 to 9.0 with 28% ammonia
Oleic acid/14.0
"FC"-128 (1%)/0.4
Morpholine/14.0 <
配制方法: Bring "AC"-680 and oleic acid to fluid melt at 230-240F. Blend well, add morpholine, and mix for five minutes. Slowly pour melt into t he agitator vortex of the hot water and mix for five minutes at 208-210F, then cool rapidly to room temperature with continuous mixing.

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