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配方说明: Binder for Non-Woven Textiles
配制方法: FORMULA No.1 For spray application*, a partially condensed melamine resin, such as "Aerotex" M-3, is mixed in a ratio of 20 parts "POLIDENE" 909 to 3 parts melamine-resin. The mixture is then diluted with water to the desired solids content for spraying, i.e., 10-25%. Undiluted mixtures of "POLIDENE" 909 and melamine resin have a relatively short use life. The use life may be greatly extended by reducing the solids, raising the pH to the 7-8 range and keeping the mixture cool. the unadjusted system has a use life of about 10 hours. When the same system is reduced to 20% solids and the pH raised to 8.0 with ammonia, the use life is extended to about 5 days.
*Spray nozzles and other metal parts should be made from 316 stainless steel to avoid corrosion and discoloration.
Upward adjustment of the pH must be carefully done as excessive alkalinity causes discoloration. Diluted ammonium hydroxide is recommended for this purpose. Where the pH of the mix has been raised, the addition of an acid catalyst is

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